NCCDH Conversation 5 April 7, 2021 | 12:00 p.m. (ET) | 60 minutes The way forward: Moving from risk to resilience

NCCDH Conversation 5

April 7, 2021 | 12:00 p.m. (ET) | 60 minutes

The way forward: Moving from risk to resilience

As stated in the annual report of the chief public health officer of Canada, COVID-19 is a powerful example of the serious threat that emerging infectious diseases present; it also reinforces the interconnected-ness between our health and our social and economic well-being.

In this final conversation, we will examine how to ensure that health equity is part of pandemic recovery and future planning. With our panelists, we will examine the strategies and relationships required for equitable action and share opportunities for future engagement. Participants will have a chance to share their ideas for prioritizing health equity.

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