Publications and Presentations

Team Abstracts and Summaries


Argentina Final Project Report-Spanish
Argentina Poster Spanish
Argentina Poster English

Australia Ingkintja Abstract English
Australia Final Project Report
Australia VAHS Abstract English
Australia VAHS Final Project Report
Australia Urapuntja Health Service and Utopia Community

Brazil Abstract English
Brazil Abstract Spanish
Brazil Final Project Report Spanish
Brazil Poster English
Brazil Poster Spanish

Bangladesh Abstract
Bangladesh Abstract Spanish
Bangladesh Final Project Report
Bangladesh Poster English

Canada Abstract English Final
Canada Abstract Spanish
Canada Final Project Report
Canada Poster English

Colombia Abstract English
Colombia Abstract-Spanish
Colombia Poster English
Colombia Poster Spanish

 Congo Abstract Spanish
Congo Abstract English
Congo Final Project Report 
Congo Poster English

El Salvador Abstract English
El Salvador Abstract-Spanish
El Salvador Poster English
El Salvador Poster Spanish

Ethiopia Final Project Report
Ethiopia Jimma Poster English

Ethiopia Tigray Abstract -English
Ethiopia Tigray Abstract Spanish
Ethiopia Tigray Final Project Report-English
Ethiopia Tigray Poster English

India Abstract
India Abstract Spanish
India ASHA Poster English

Iran Abstract English
Iran Abstract Spanish
Iran Final Project Report
Iran Poster English

Kenya Abstract
Kenya Abstract Spanish 
Kenya Poster English

New Zealand Abstract
New Zealand Abstract Spanish
New Zealand Final Project Report

Pakistan Project Abstract 
Pakistan Abstract Spanish
Pakistan Final Project Report
Pakistan Poster English

South Africa Abstract
South Africa Abstract Spanish
South Africa-Final Project Report
South Africa Poster English

Uruguay Abstract English
Uruguay Poster Spanish
Uruguay Poster English
Uruguay Poster Spanish

A project related to the Teasdale-Corti studies in Latin America, also funded by the IDRC, has just completed. This project studied how governance affects health systems and health policy with a focus on Latin America.


Labonte R, Sanders D, Packer C, Schaay N. (2017) Revitalizing Health for All: Case Studies of the Struggle for Comprehensive Health Care. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


Woldie, M., Morankar, S., Feyissa, G.T., Labonté, R. and Sanders, D. “Coverage of child health services in rural districts of Ethiopia with the Health Services Extension Program,” Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 7(7):223-231, 2015.

Labonté, R., Sanders, D. Packer, C., and Schaay, N. “Chapter  1: Background” in Labonté, R., Packer, C., Sanders, D. and Schaay, N. (eds.) World Lessons in Comprehensive Primary Health Care Reform (under review) University of Toronto Press (pp.1-10)

Labonté, R., and Packer, C., “Chapter 2: Summary of CPHC Findings from the Structured Literature Review,” in LabontéR., Packer, C., Sanders, D. and Schaay, N. (eds.) World Lessons in Comprehensive Primary Health Care Reform (under review) University of Toronto Press (pp.11-33)

Labonté, R., Sanders, D. Packer, C., and Schaay, N. “Conclusion: Is there a Future for CPHC?” in Labonté, R., Packer, C., Sanders, D. and Schaay, N. (eds.) World Lessons in Comprehensive Primary Health Care Reform (under review) University of Toronto Press (pp. 210-230)

Labonté, R.,  Packer, C., Sanders, D. and Schaay, N. (eds.) World Lessons in Comprehensive Primary Health Care Reform (under review) University of Toronto Press.


Labonté, R., Sanders, D, Packer, C. and Schaay, N. “Is the Alma Ata Vision of Comprehensive Primary Health Care Viable? Findings from an International Project” Global Health Action 2014, 7:24997

Taufique, Joarder ., Malabika, Sarker “Achieving universal health coverage through community empowerment: A proposition for Bangladesh” Indian Journal of Community Medicine, Vol 39, Issue 3, 129-131, 2014. 10.4103/0970-0218.137143


Mosquera,  P., Hernández  J., Vega  R., Labonté R., Sanders  D., Dahlblom, K. and San Sebastián  M. “Challenges of implementing a Primary Health Care strategy in Bogota, Colombia: A qualitative study,” International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 2013, DOI 10.1002/hpm.2228.

Taufique, Joarder, Uddin, Aftab, Islam, Anwar ” Achieving Universal Health Coverage: State of Community Empowerment in Bangladesh” Global Health Governance, Vol. VI, no. 2, Summer: 84-98, 2013.


Javanparast , S., Baum, F., Labonté, R., Sanders, D., Rajabi, Z., Heidari, G. “The experience of community health workers training in Iran: a qualitative study,” BMC Health Services Research 201212:291. DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-12-291.

Javanparast, S., Baum, F., Labonté, R. and Sanders, D. “Community health workers’ perspectives on their contribution to rural health and well-being in Iran” American Journal of Public Health 101(12):2287-92. 2012

Mosquera,  P., Hernández  J., Vega  R., Martínez  J., Labonté R. Sanders  D. San Sebastián  M., “The impact of primary healthcare in reducing inequalities in child health outcomes, Bogota – Colombia: an ecological analysis,” International Journal for Equity in Health 2012, 11:66:1-12.

Mosquera, P., Hernández  J., Vega  R., Martínez  J., Labonté R. Sanders  D. San Sebastián  M., “Primary health care contribution to improve health outcomes in Bogota-Colombia: a longitudinal ecological analysis,” BMC Family Practice, 2012. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2296-13-84.

Sanders, D.,  LabontéR, Packer, C., Schaay, N. ‘Dimensiones comunitarias de la Atención Primaria Integral en Salud,’  Saúde em Debate, Rio de Janeiro 36(94) : 473-81, 2012.

Saude em Debate, Special Issue on Primary Health Care. Volume 36, No. 94, June to September 2012.


Acosta, N., Pollard, J., Romero, RV., and Labonté, R. “Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC) in South America: Contexts, Achievements and Policy Implications.” Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 27(10): 1875-1890, 2011.

Javanparast, S., Baum, F., Labonté, R. and Sanders, D. “Community Health Workers’ Perspectives on Their Contribution to Rural Health and Well-Being in Iran.” American Journal of Public Health, 101(12): 2287-2292, 2011.

Javanparast, S., Baum, F., Labonté, R., Sanders, D., Heidari, G., and Rezaie, S. “A Community Review of the Support for and Activities and Outcomes of the Community Health Worker Program in Iran.” Journal of Public Health Policy, 32: 263-276, 2011.


Hurley, C., Baum, F., Johns, J., and Labonté, R. “Comprehensive Primary Health Care in Australia: Findings from a Narrative Review of the Literature.” Australasian Medical Journal, 1(2): 147-152, 2010.

Labonté, R. “Health Systems Governance for Health Equity: Critical Reflections / Gobernanza de sistemas de salud para logar equidad: reflexiones críticas.” Revista de Salud Pública, 12(1): 62-76, 2010.

Labonté, R., Sanders, D., Baum, F. et al. “Aplicación, efectividad y context político de la atención primaria integral de salud: resultados preliminares de una revisión de la literatura mundial.” Revista Gerencia y Políticas de Salud, 8(16): 14-29, 2009.

Labonté, R., Sanders, D., Baum, F. et al. “Implementation, Effectiveness and Political Context of Comprehensive Primary Health Care: Preliminary Findings of a Global Literature Review.” Australian Journal of Primary Health, 14(3): 58-67, 2008.


Sanders, D., Nandi, S., Labonté, R., Vance, C., Van Damme, W., From primary health care to universal health coverage – one step forward and two steps back, 2019.

Hassan, R. & Surur, H. “Study on GK’s Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC) Model: Social Capital, Community Participation, Gender Empowerment and Health Care Access for the Marginalized.” Gonoshasthaya Kendra.

Freeman, T., Baum, F., Lawless, A., Jolley, G., Labonté, R., Bentley, M. and Boffa, J. Reaching those with the greatest need: How Australian primary health care service managers, practitioners and funders understand and respond to health inequity. 2011

Larson, C., Haddad, S., Birn, A.E., Cole, D., Labonté, R., Hatcher-Roberts, S., Schrecker, T., Sellen, D., and Zakus, D. Grand Challenges Canada: Inappropriate Emphasis and Missed Opportunities in Global Health Research? 2011.

Swanson, R.C., Bongiovanni, A., Bradley, E., Murugan, V., Sundewall, J., Betigeri, A., Nyonator, F., Cattaneo, A., Harless, B., Ostrovsky, A., and Labonté, R. Toward a Consensus on Guiding Principles for Health Systems Strengthening. 2010.

Salud Para Todos: Una Meta Posible: Pueblos Movilizados y Gobiernos Comprometidos en un Nuevo Contexto Global, 2009.

Vega-Romero, R., Acosta-Ramírez, N., Mosquera-Méndez, P., and Restrepo-Vélez, M. Atencion Primaria Interfal de Salud. Bogotá: Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá / Secretaría Distrital de Salud / Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2009.

Vega-Romero, R., Acosta-Ramírez, N., Mosquera-Méndez, P. and Restrepo-Vélez, M. “La politica de salud en Bogota”, 2008.

Acosta-Ramírez, N. and Vega-Romero, R. “El caso de la implementación de la estrategia de Atención Primaria Integral en Salud (APIS) en la localidad de Suba, Bogotá – Colombia.” 2008.

Mosquera-Mendéz, P., Granados-Hidalgo, G., and Vega-Romero, R. “La estrategia de Atención Primaria en Salud (APS) para Bogotá-Colombia y su relación con la disminución de inequidades de resultados en salud.” 2008.


Also see:

The Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research

The International People’s Health University

The People’s Health Movement