Ruckert, R., Labonté, R., Lencucha, R., Runnels, V., and Gagnon, M., Global health diplomacy: A critical review of the literature, Social Science and Medicine 155 (2016): 61-72.
Runnels, V., Labonte, R., and Gagnon, M. (2014). Global Health Diplomacy: A Canadian Case Study Findings from in-depth interviews. Ottawa: Globalization and Health Equity Research Unit, Institute of Population Health, University of Ottawa.
Labonté, R. “Development goals in the post-2015 world: Whither Canada?” Canadian Journal of Public Health 2014, 105(3):e224-e228.
Irwin, R., Labonté, R., Ruckert, A. “Where’s the theory in health diplomacy?” Journal of Health Diplomacy 2014, 1(2):1-3.
Runnels, V., Labonté, R., & Ruckert, A. (2014). Global health diplomacy: barriers to inserting health into Canadian foreign policy. Global Public Health. DOI:10.1080/17441692.2014.928740
Labonté, R., Health in All (Foreign) Policies: Challenges in Achieving Coherence, Health Promotion International 2014, 29:S1: 1-11.
Gagnon, M. Global Health Diplomacy: Understanding How and Why Health is Integrated into Foreign Policy. Diss. University of Ottawa. 2012.
Labonte, R., Gagnon, M., and Runnels, V. Past Fame, Present Frames and Future Flagship? An Exploration of How Health is Positioned in Canadian Foreign Policy. Administrative Sciences, 2(2): 162-185, 2012.
Gagnon, M., and Labonté, R. Human Rights in Global Health Diplomacy: A Critical Assessment. Journal of Human Rights, 10(2): 189-213, 2011.
Labonté, R. From International to Global: Framing Health in the New Millennium”, in R. Parker and M. Sommer (eds.), Handbook of Global Health. New York: Routledge, 2011.
Runnels, V., Labonté, R. and Packer, C. “Reflections on the Ethics of Recruiting Foreign-Trained Health Human Resources” Human Resources for Health. 9(2):1-11, 2011.
Labonté, R. and Gagnon, M. Framing Health and Foreign Policy: Lessons for Global Health Diplomacy. Globalization and Health, 6(14), 2010.
Labonte, R. and Gagnon, M. What is the Case for a Canadian Global Health Strategy? March 2010.
Labonté, R. Global Health Policy: Exploring the Rationale for Health in Foreign Policy. Ottawa: Globalization and Health Equity Working Papers, 2010.
Lencucha, R., Kothari, A. and Labonté, R. “The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Global Health Diplomacy: Negotiating the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.” Health Policy and Planning, 26(5): 405-412, 2010.
Lencucha, R., Labonté, R. and Rouse, M. “Beyond Idealism and Realism: Canadian NGO/Government Relations During the Negotiation of the FCTC.” Journal of Public Health Policy, 31(1): 74-87, 2010.
Labonté, R. Global Health in Public Policy: Finding the Right Frame? Critical Public Health, 18(4): 467-482, 2008.
O’Manique, C. and Labonté, R. “Rethinking (Product) RED.” The Lancet, 371: 1561-1563, 2008.
Labonté, R. and Schrecker, T. “Foreign Policy Matters: The Case of the G8 and Population Health.” Bulletin of the World Health Organization 85(3): 185-91, 2007.