NAFTA’s assault on public healthLabonte R., Coutney McNamara, Deborah Gleeson, Eric Crosbie
Ruckert, A., Schram, A., Labonté, R., Miller, B., Friel, S., Gleeson, D., Thow, A.-M. Policy Coherence, Health, and the Sustainable Development Goals: What’s Trade Got to Do with it? Critical Public Health 2016
Schram, A. and Labonté, R. “International Trade and Investment Treaties: The Empowerment of Pharmaceutical and Tobacco Corporations,” in Lee, K., MacKenzie, R., Kenworthy, N. (eds.) Case studies on corporations and global health governance: Impacts, influence and accountability (in press) London: Rowman and Littlefield.
Rückert, A. and Labonté, R. “The Financial Crisis and Global Health: The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Policy Response.” Health Promotion International. (forthcoming)
McKee, M. and Labonté, R., “European Commission’s proposals on trade secrets,” Editorial, BMJ, 2015 doi: 10.1136/bmj.h1369, pp.1-2
Labonté, R. “The Global Health Agenda and Shrinking Policy Spaces in the Post-Crisis Landscape,” in Jacobs, L. and Drache, D. (eds) Linking Global Trade and Human Rights: New Policy Spaces in Hard Economic Times, Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp. 216-235.
Friel, S, Labonté, R., Sanders, D. ‘Measuring progress on diet-related NCDs: the need to address the causes of the causes,’. March 2013.
Labonté, R., Mohindra, K.S. and Lencucha, R. “Framing International Trade and Chronic Disease,” in D. McQueen (ed.) Global Handbook on Non-Communicable Diseases and Health Promotion, 2013.
Schram, A., Labonté, R. and Sanders, D. “Urbanization and International Trade and Investment Policies as Determinants of Noncommunicable Diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa, Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 2013.
Mohindra, K.S., Lencucha, R. and Labonté, R., “Reaching behind borders: international trade and chronic disease,” in T. Schrecker (ed.). Research Companion to the Globalization of Health, Toronto: Ashgate, 2012. Pp. 117-134.
Koivusalo, M., Labonté, R. and Sinclair, S. The Proposed EU-Canada Trade Agreement Raises Health Concerns in both Canada and European Union. Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2011.
Labonté, R., Mohindra, K., and Lencucha, R. “Framing International Trade and Chronic Disease.” Globalization and Health, 21(3): 273-287, 2011.
Labonté, R. “From International to Global: Framing Health in the New Millennium”, in Parker and M. Sommer (eds.). Handbook of Global Health, New York: Routledge. pp.38-50. 2011.
Labonté R. and Schrecker T. “The state of global health in a radically unequal world: patterns and prospects”, in Benatar, S. and Brock, G. (eds.). Global Health and Global Health Ethics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp.24-36. 2011.
Labonté, R. “Liberalized Trade the Public’s Health: What Are the Linkages? What Is the Evidence? What Are the Healthy Options?” In A. den Exter (ed.), Trade, Health and Human Rights. Rotterdam: Erasmus University Publishers, 2010.
Labonté, R., Blouin, C. and Forman, L. Trade, Growth and Population Health: An Introductory Review. Ottawa: Collection d’études transdisciplinaires en santé des populations / Transdisciplinary Studies in Population Health Series. 2010. ISSN 1922-1398.
Labonté, R. “The Global Financial Crisis and Health: Scaling Up Our Effort.” Canadian Journal of Public Health 100(3): 173-75, 2009.
Labonté, R., Blouin, C. and Forman, L. “Trade and Health.” In A. Kay and O.D. Williams (eds.), Global Health Governance: Crisis, Institutions and Political Economy. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 182-208. 2009.
Labonté, R. “Trade and public health – facing the challenges of globalization: author’s response”, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 61:655. 2007.
Labonté, R., Schrecker, T. and Sanders, D. “Trade Policy and Health Equity: Can they Avoid a Collision?” In C. Blouin, N. Drager and J. Heymann (eds.), Trade and Health: Seeking Common Ground. Montreal: McGill Queens University Press, 2007.
Labonté, R., and Sanger, M. “A Glossary of The World Trade Organization and Public Health: Part 2.” Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 60(9): 738-44, 2006. www.jech.bmj.com
Labonté, R. and Sanger, M. “A Glossary of The World Trade Organization and Public Health: Part 1” Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 60(8): 655-661, 2006. www.jech.bmj.com
McCoy, D., Labonté, R. and Orbinski, J. “Mobilising the Canadian public health community around a global health advocacy agenda.” Canadian Journal of Public Health 97(2):142-144, 2006.
Labonté, R. “Globalization, Health and the Free Trade Regime: Assessing the Links”, Harris, R. and Seid, M. (eds.). Globalization and Health, Boston: Brill. pp.47-72. 2004.
Blouin, C., Foster, J. and Labonté, R. “Canada’s Foreign Policy and Health: Towards Policy Coherence”, Sanger, M. and Sinclair, S. (eds.). Putting Canada First: Canadian Health Care Reform in a Globalizing World, Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. pp.93-182. 2004.
Labonté, R. Dying for Trade: How Globalization Can Be Bad for Our Health. Toronto: Centre for Social Justice, 2003. (Also reprinted as a special issue of the ICFAI Journal of Health Care Law, India).
Labonté, R. “Globalization, Trade and Health: Unpacking the Linkages, Defining the Healthy Public Policy Options”, Hofrichter, R. (ed.). Health and Social Justice: Politics, Ideology and Inequity in the Distribution of Disease, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. pp.469-500. 2003.
Labonté, R. “From the global market to the global village: ‘free’ trade and the World Trade Organization”, International Journal of Health Promotion and Education XI(1):23-27. 2003.
Labonté, R. and Lamarre, M-C. “Du marché mondial au village planétaire: libre-échange santé et Organisation mondiale du commerce”, International Journal of Health Promotion and Education XI(1):31-39. 2003; reprinted in Santé Publique 15(3): 267-78.
Campbell, B., Blouin, C., Foster, J., Labonté, R., M. Lexchin, J. Sanger, M. Shrybman, S., Sinclair, S. Putting Health First Canadian Health Care, Trade Treaties and Foreign Policy. 2002.
Labonté, R. “International Governance and World Trade Organization Reform”, Critical Public Health 12(1):65-86. 2002.
Labonté, R. “Globalization and Reform of the World Trade Organization”, Canadian Journal of Public Health (Commentary) 92(4):248-9. 2001.
Labonté, R. “Liberalisation, Health and the World Trade Organisation”, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 55(6):620-21. 2001.
Labonté, R. “Global Governance and Reform of the World Trade Organization (Excerpts)”, International Journal of Health Promotion and Education 8(2):81-82. 2001.
Labonté, R. “International Governance and Reform of the World Trade Organization”, Health Education Research 16(4):101-6. 2001.
Labonté, R. and Wise, M. “La commerce et la sante,” La Sante de l’Homme 346. mars/avril, 2001.
Labonté, R. “Brief to the World Trade Organization: World Trade and Population Health”, International Journal of Health Promotion and Education VI (4): 24-32. 2000.
Labonté, R. “Healthy Public Policy and the World Trade Organization”, Bambas, A., Casas, JA., Drayton, H. and Valdes, A. (eds.). Health and Human Development in the New Global Economy, Washington: PAHO. pp.105-120. 2000.
Labonté, R. “Healthy public policy and the World Trade Organization: a proposal for an international health presence in future world trade/investment talks”, Health Promotion International 13(3): 245-56. 1998.
Labonté, R. “Una politica pubblica sana e l’organizzazaione per il Commercio: una proposta per una presenza internationale della salute nei futuri dibattiti sull’investimento e il commecrio mondiale”, Educazaione Sanitaria e Promozione della Salute XXI(3):54-70. 1998.
Labonté, R. “World Trade and Investment Agreements: Implications for Public Health”, Canadian Journal of Public Health 89(1):10-12. 1998.