Publications and Presentations


Labonté, R., “Social Inclusion/Exclusion and Health,” in in Raphael, D (ed.), The Social Determinants of Health: Canadian Perspective (3rd edition), Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press. pp. 419-433. 2016.


Labonté, R., Baum, F, and Sanders, D. “Poverty, Justice and Health,” in R. Detels, C.C. Tan, Q.A. Karim, and M. Guilliford (eds.). Oxford Textbook of Public Health (2015) pp.89-105.


Baum, F., Freeman, T., Jolley, G., Lawless, A., Bentley, M., Vartoo, K., Boffa, J., Labonté, R., Sanders, D. “Health promotion in Australian multi-disciplinary primary health care services: case studies from South Australia and the Northern Territory,” Health Promotion International 2014, 29(4): 705-719.

Labonté R.  Health activism in a globalising era: lessons past for efforts futureLancet, 381:2158-9

Williams, L., Labonté, R. and O’Brien, M. “Empowering social action through narratives of identity and culture”, Health Promotion International 18(1):33-40. 2003. [IF: 2.309] Translated into Polish and published as: Lewis Williams, Ronald Labonté, Mike O’Brien: Upełnomocniające Działanie Społeczne Poprzez Tworzenie Narracji Kultury I Tożsamości (Empowering Social Action through Narratives of Identity and Culture), 2014


Labonté, R., “Promoting Health in a Globalized World: The Biggest Challenge of All” in Rootman, I., Dupéré, S., Pederson, A. and O’Neill, M. (eds). Health Promotion in Canada: Critical Perspective on Practice (3rd edition), Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press. pp.81-97. 2012.

Labonté, R. Towards a post-Charter Health PromotionHealth Promotion International, 2011. 26(S2):1183-1186.


Labonté, R. “Social In/Exclusion and Health”, in Raphael, D (ed.), The Social Determinants of Health: Canadian Perspective (2nd edition), Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press. pp.269-279. 2009.

Labonté, R. and Laverack, G. Health Promotion in Action: From Local to Global Empowerment, London: Palgrave Macmillan. 2008.

Labonté, R. “Promoting Health in a Globalizing World: The Biggest Challenge of All?”, O’Neill, M., Pederson, A., Rootman, I., et al. (eds.). Health Promotion in Canada, Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press. pp.207-21. 2007.

Labonté, R. “Globalization and health promotion: The evidence challenge”, McQueen, DV. and Jones, CM. (eds.). Global Perspectives on Health Promotion Effectiveness, New York: Springer. pp.181-200. 2007.

Williams, L. and Labonté, R. Empowerment for migrant communities: Paradoxes for practitioners Critical Public Health 17(4): 365-379. 2007.

Frankish, J., Moulton, G., Quantz, D. Carson, A., Casebeer, A., Eyles, J., Labonté, R. and Evoy, B. “Addressing the Non-medical Determinants of Health: A Survey of Canada’s Health Region”, Canadian Journal of Public Health 98(1):41-47. 2006

Labonté, R. « Promouvoir la santé à l’heure de la mondialisation: le plus grand de tous les défis? », O’Neill, M., Pederson, A., Rootman, I., et al. (eds.). Promotion de la santé au Canada et au Québec, perspectives critiques,  Laval : Les Presses de l’Universite Laval. pp.285-303. 2006..

Labonté, R. The Future of Health PromotionHealth Promotion Journal of Australia 16(3):172-75. 2005.

Labonté, R. “Social In/Exclusion and Health”, Raphael, D. and Langille, D. (eds.). The Social Determinants of Health, Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press. pp.253-66. 2004.

Labonté, R. “A model of community development practice”, Health Development Agency (ed.). Developing Healthier Communities, London: HAD. pp. 177-196. 2004.


Labonté, R. “Community, community development and the forming of authentic partnerships”, Minkler, M. (ed.). Community Organizing and Community Building for Health (2nd edition), New York: Rutgers University Press. pp.82-96. 2003.

Labonté, R. How our programs affect population health determinants: A workbook for better planning and accountability, Health Canada: Manitoba and Saskatchewan Region. 2003.

Williams, L. and Labonté, R. Changing health determinants through community action: power participation and policyInternational Journal of Health Promotion and Education X(2):65-71. 2003.

Gibbon, M., Labonté, R. and Laverack, G. Evaluating community capacity: A practical approach, Health and Social Care in the Community 10(6): 485-491. 2002.

Labonté, R. “To boldly go: healthy communities”. 2001 Health OdysseyUK Health for All Network, London: Health Development Agency. pp.45 – 50. 2002.

Labonté, R. “Theories of change”. 2001 Health OdysseyUK Health for All Network, London: Health Development Agency. pp.31-37. 2002.

Labonté, R. and Wise, M. (Translation Restrepo, H.) “Informe-conciso a la Organización Mundial del comercio: Comercio Mundial y Salud de la Población”, Revista Facultad Nacional de Salud Publica 20(1):145-8. 2002.

Labonté, R., Bell-Woodard, G., Chad, K. and Laverack, G. Community Capacity Building: A Parallel Track for Health Promotion ProgramsCanadian Journal of Public Health 93(3):181-2. 2002.

Labonté, R. “What’s working in health promotion: An introduction to the case study approach”, Health Promotion Forum (ed.). Health Promotion on the Move, Auckland: Health Promotion Forum. pp.34-40. 2001.

Labonté, R., Sanger, M., Muhajarine, N. and Abonyi, S. “Mondialisation et Santé: opportunités, risques et inquiétudes”, Rainhorn, J-D. and Burnier, M-J. (eds.). La santé au risque du marché: Incertitudes a l’aube du XXIe siècle (Globalization, Health and the New Trade and Investment Liberalization Regime: Risks, Benefits and Opportunities), Les Nouveaux Cahiers d’Institut Universitaire d’Études du Développement Paris: Presses Universitaires de France and Geneva: IUED. pp.249-66. 2001.

Labonté, R. “Advocacy and the health promoter: how lobbying, evidence and argument contributes to social change”, International Journal of Health Promotion and Education Suppl. 2: 35-6. 2001.

Labonté, R. “Health promotion in the 21st Century: Celebrating the ordinary”, Health Promotion Journal of Australia 12(2):104-109. 2001.

Labonté, R. Health promotion evaluation, (editorial) Critical Public Health 11(1):1-2. 2001.

Labonté, R. and Laverack, G. Capacity Building in Health Promotion: For Whom?  And For What Purpose?Critical Public Health 11(2):111-27. 2001.

Labonté, R. and Laverack, G.  Capacity Building in Health Promotion: Whose use? And with what measurement?Critical Public Health 11(2):129-38. 2001.

Labonté, R. Author’s Commentary 2000, and Community Empowerment and Leisure, Journal of Leisurability 27(3):43-58. 2000. (Reprint of article from Journal of Leisurability 23(1), 1996.

Laverack, G. and Labonté, R. A planning framework for the accommodation of community empowerment goals within health promotion programmingHealth Policy and Planning 15: 255-62. 2000.

Labonté, R. “Health, power and the bureaucracy: transforming professional practice”, Best, H. and Sellers, T. (eds.). International Images of Health: Perspectives, Power and Practice, Victoria, Australia: University of Ballarat Press. pp.43-60. 2000.

Labonté, R. “Health Promotion and the Common Good: Towards a Politics of Practice”, Callahan, D. (ed.). Promoting Healthy Behaviour: How Much Freedom? Whose Responsibility?, Georgetown University Press. 2000.

Boutelier, M., Cleverly, S. and Labonté, R. “The community as a setting for health promotion”, Poland, B., Rootman, I and Green, L. (eds.). Settings for Health Promotion: Linking Theory and PracticeLondon: Sage Publications. 2000.

Labonté, R. Globalism and health: threats and opportunitiesHealth Promotion Journal of Australia 9(2): 126-32. 1999.

Labonté, R. Health promotion in the near future: remembrances of activism pastHealth Education Journal 58:365-77. 1999.

Labonté, R. “Some comments on the Acheson Report”, Critical Public Health 9 (2):171-174. 1999.

Labonté, R. “Social capital and community development: practitioner emptor”, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 23(4): 93-96. 1999.

Labonté, R. “Mutual accountability in partnership: Health agencies and community groups”, International Journal of Health Promotion and Education VI 1:3-8. 1999.

Labonté, R., Goodman, Speers, McLeroy, et al. “Identifying and defining the dimensions of community capacity to provide a base for measurement”, Health Education and Behaviour 25(3): 258-78. 1998.

Labonté, R. A Community Development Approach to Health Promotion, Edinburgh: Health Education Board of Scotland/Research Unit in Health and Behaviour Change. 1998.

Labonté, R. and Robertson, A. “Delivering the goods, showing our stuff: the case for the constructivist paradigm for health promotion research and practice”, Thurston, W., Sieppert, J. and Wiebe, V. Doing Health Promotion Research: The Science of Action, Calgary: University of Calgary. 1998.

Labonté, R. Health promotion and the common good: Towards a politics of practiceCritical Public Health 8(2): 107-29. 1998.

Labonté, R. “Health promotion in Canada: A Case Study”, (with Health Canada and numerous others, under Health Canada authorship). Health Promotion International 13(1):7-26. 1998.

Labonté, R. “Community, community development and the forming of authentic partnerships”, Minkler, M. (ed.). Community Organizing and Community Building for Health, London: Rutgers University Press. pp.88-102.1997.

Labonté, R. “Avoiding Terminal Hardening of the Categories: International Changes in Community Health”, Journal of Health Promotion for Northern Ireland 1(1): 6-13. 1997

Labonté, R. Power, Participation and Partnerships, Melbourne: VicHealth Foundation. 1997.

Labonté, R. “The population health/health promotion debate in Canada: the politics of explanation, economics and action”, Critical Public Health 7(1&2): 7-27. 1997.

Labonté, R. “Community and public health: an international perspective”, Health Visitor 70(2): 64-7. 1997.

Labonté, R. “Community health promotion strategies”, Restrepo, H. (ed.). Health Promotion: An Anthology, Washington: PAHO Scientific Publication. p.557. 1996.

Labonté, R. “Measurement and Practice: Ethical Claims in the Use of Quality of Life, Health Promotion and Empowerment”, Renwick, Brown and Nagler (eds.). Quality of Life in Health Promotion and Rehabilitation, London: Sage Books. pp.132-145. 1996.

Labonté, R. “Health promotion: Ten years on from the Ottawa Charter”, Australian Journal of Primary Health Interchange 2(4): 7-24. 1996.

Labonté, R. and Robertson, A. Delivering the goods, showing our stuff: the case for a constructivist paradigm for health promotion research and practice Health Education Quarterly 23(4): 431-47. 1996.

Labonté, R. “Community empowerment and leisure”, Journal of Leisurability 23(1): 4-20. 1996.

Labonté, R. “Community and its health: its power and its problematics”, Journal of Contemporary Health 4: 2-3. 1996.

Labonté, R. Population health and health promotion: What do they have to say to each other? Canadian Journal of Public Health 86(3): 165-68. 1995.

Labonté, R. Health promotion and empowerment: reflections on professional practiceHealth Education Quarterly 21(2): 253-68. 1994.

Labonté, R. “Health promotion and empowerment: reflections on professional practice”, in Black, J., Furney, S., Graf, H. and Nolte, A. (eds.). Philosophical Foundations of Health Education, Jossey-Bass. pp.179-195. 2010. (reprint as a select foundational article in the field of health education, originally published in 1994)

Labonté, R. “Econology: Health and Sustainable Development”, Chu and Simpson (ed.). Ecological Public Health: From Vision to Practice, Toronto/Nathan, Queensland: Centre for Health Promotion University of Toronto/Griffith Universitypp. 19-35. 1994. (Translated into Chinese by the Beijing University Medical School).

Labonté, R. “Lessons on Environmental Health Information for Bureaucratic Activists”, Chu and Simpson (ed.). Ecological Public Health: From Vision to Practice, Toronto/Nathan, Queensland: Centre for Health Promotion University of Toronto/Griffith University. pp. 269-276. 1994. (Translated into Chinese by the Beijing University Medical School).

Labonté, R. “Death of program, birth of metaphor: the development of health promotion in Canada”, Pederson, A., O’Neill, M. and Rootman, I. (eds.). Health Promotion in Canada, Toronto: WH Saunders. pp. 72-90.1994.

Labonté, R. “Community empowerment and fitness”, Quinney, A., Wall, N. and Gauvin, L. (eds.). Towards Active Living, Kinetics. pp. 219-226.1994.

Labonté, R. Bernstein, Wallerstein, Braithwaite, Gutierrez and Zimmerman. “Empowerment forum: a dialogue between Guest Editorial Board members”, Health Education Quarterly 21(3): 281-95. 1994.

Labonté, R. “Community Health”, Ward, J. (ed.). Australian Community Development: Ideas, Skills and Values for the 90s, Melbourne: Community Quarterly. 1993.

Labonté, R. Health Promotion and Empowerment: Practice Frameworks, Toronto: Centre for Health Promotion/Participation. 1993.

Labonté, R. “Partnerships and participation in community health”, Canadian Journal of Public Health 84(4): 237-40. 1993.

Labonté, R. “A holosphere of healthy and sustainable communities”, Australian Journal of Public Health 17(1): 4-12. 1993.


Labonté, R. “Politicas Publicos Saludables”, OPS (PAHO)/WHO. Conferencia Internacional de Promocion de la Salud, Bogota: Ministerio de Salud. 1992.

Labonté, R. Heart health inequalities in Canada: Models, theory and planningHealth Promotion International 7(2):119-28. 1992.

Labonté, R. Econology: integrating health and environmentHealth Promotion International 6(1): 49-65. 1991.

Labonté, R. “Healthy communities and healthy aging”, Blais, C. (ed.). Aging into the 21st Century, Toronto: Captus University Publications. 1991.

Labonté, R. Econology: Integrating health and sustainable development Part two: guiding principles for development decision-makingHealth Promotion International 6(2): 147-56. 1991.

Labonté, R. “Health care spending as a risk to health”, Canadian Journal of Public Health 81(4): 251-2. 1990.

Labonté, R. “Empowerment: Notes on professional and community dimensions”, Canadian Review of Social Policy 26: 64-75. 1990.

Labonté, R. “Health Promotion: From Concepts to Strategies”.  A Health Promotion Primer, Ottawa: Canadian Council of Health Executives and Administrators. 1990.

Labonté, R., (ed.) Heart Health Inequalities 2, Ottawa: Health and Welfare Canada. 1989.

Labonté, R. “Healthy public policy: a survey of Ontario health professionals”, International Quarterly of Community Health Education 9 (4): 321-42. 1989.

Labonté, R. “A community health development approach to Heart Health Inequalities”.  Heart Health Inequalities 2. pp.7-17. 1989.

Labonté, R. “Community Health Promotion Strategies”, Martin and McQueen (eds.).  Readings for a New Public Health, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 235-249. 1989.

Labonté, R. “Community and professional empowerment”, Canadian Nurse 85 (3): 23-30. 1989.

Labonté, R. “Community empowerment: the need for a political analysis”, Canadian Journal of Public Health 80(2): 87-88. 1989.

Labonté, R. “Health and empowerment”, Community Health Studies 13(3): 347-49. 1989.

Labonté, R. “Social inequalities, health policy, and community development”, Community Quarterly 13: 16-24. 1988.

Labonté, R. “Health promotion: from concepts to strategies”, Healthcare Management Forum 1(3): 24-30. 1988.

Labonté, R., (ed.) Heart Health Inequalities, Ottawa: Health and Welfare Canada. 1988.

Labonté, R. “Community health promotion strategies”, Health Promotion Journal 26 (1): 5-10, 32. 1987.

Labonté, R. “Social Inequality and Healthy Public Policy”. 12th World Conference on Health Education: Proceedings, Dublin: International Union of Health Education. pp.718-28. 1987.

Labonté, R. and Wenzel, E. “Gesundheitsforderung: Eine sozialpolitsche Perspektive”, Wenzel, E. (ed.). Die Okologiedes Korpes Herausgegeben, Frankfurt: Surhkamp. pp. 175-206. 1986.

Labonté, R. “Social inequality and healthy public policy”, International Quarterly of Health Promotion 1(3): 341-351. 1986.

Labonté, R. and Penfold, S. Canadian perspectives in health promotion: a critiqueHealth Education 19:4-9. 1981. (reprinted in Perspectives: Australian Journal of Health Education; translated into German by E. Wenzel for publication in International Journal of Health Education No. 3, 1982, German edition)