Publications and Presentations


Labonté, R. “From the Myth of Level Playing Fields to the Reality of a Finite Planet,” International Journal of Health Policy and Management (2015) 5:2 137-139 doi:10.15171/ijhpm.2015.202

Labonté, R., Baum, F, and Sanders, D. “Poverty, Justice and Health,” in R. Detels, C.C. Tan, Q.A. Karim, and M. Guilliford (eds.). Oxford Textbook of Public Health (2015) pp.89-105.

Packer, C., Runnels, V and Labonté, R. (2015).  “Canada’s response to female genital mutilation: Are we failing our girls?”, Canadian Medical Association Journaldoi:10.1503 /cmaj.141215


Ruckert, A. and Labonté, R., “The social determinants of health,” in G.W. Brown, G. Yamey and S. Wamala (eds.). The Handbook of Global Health Policy, Wiley-Blackwell, 2014. Pp.267-85

Williams, L., Labonté, R. and O’Brien, M. Empowering social action through narratives of identity and culture, Health Promotion International 18(1):33-40. 2003. [IF: 2.309] Translated into Polish and published as: Lewis Williams, Ronald Labonté, Mike O’Brien: Upełnomocniające Działanie Społeczne Poprzez Tworzenie Narracji Kultury I Tożsamości (Empowering Social Action through Narratives of Identity and Culture), 2014


De Vogli, R., Schrecker, T. and Labonté  R. “Neoliberal globalization and health inequalities,” in Monaghan, L. (ed.). Key Concepts in Medical Sociology, London: Sage, 2013. Pp.32-6.

Runnels, V. (2013). Training approaches and the provision of employment services for persons and youth with disabilities: literature and resources. Ottawa: Population Health Improvement Research Network Working Paper Series, Institute of Population Health, University of Ottawa.

Veras, M., Pottie, K., Welch, V., Labonté, R., Eslava-Schmalbach, J., Borkhoff, C., Kristjansson, E., Tugwell, P. “Reliability and validity of a new survey to assess global health competencies of health professionals,” Global Journal of Health Science, 5(1):13-27. 2013.


These two RRASP-PHIRN publications are available below in full and summary form:

Jackman, M. and Porter, B. International Human Rights, Health and Strategies to Address Homelessness and Poverty in Ontario: Making the Connection. É/Exchange Working Paper Series, PHIRN, 3(3): 2012.

Jackman, M. and Porter, B. Summary of Jackman and Porter’s Research Paper: International Human Rights, Health, and Strategies to Address Homelessness and Poverty in Ontario: Making the Connection. Summarized by M. Casagranda. 2012

Jackman, M. and Porter, B. Summary of Jackman and Porter’s Research Paper: Rights-Based Strategies to Address Homelessness and Poverty as Social Determinants of Health in Ontario: The Constitutional Framework. Summarized by M. Casagranda. 2012.

Labonté, R., Hadi, A., and Kaufmann, X. Indicators of Social Exclusion and Inclusion: A Critical and Comparative Analysis of the Literature. Human Resources and Skills Development Canada / PHIRN, 2012.

Muhajarine, N., Labonté, R., Winquist, B. “The Canadian Index of Well-Being Key Findings from the Population Health Domain,” Canadian Journal of Public Health, 103(5):342-7. 2012.

Ruckert A. The Financial Crisis and Health Equity in Ontario: Key Pathways and Policy Challenges” , Institute of Population Health, University of Ottawa.

Ruckert, A. and Labonté, R. “The Global Financial Crisis and Health Equity: Towards a Conceptual Framework,” Critical Public Health, 22:3, 267-279, 2012

Runnels, V. (2012). Youth Futures/L’Avenir Jeunesse: A process evaluation.  Ottawa: Population Health Improvement Research Network. University of Ottawa.


Hadi, A. and Labonté, R. Housing and Health of Recent Immigrants in Canada: A Narrative ReviewÉ/Exchange Working Paper Series, PHIRN, 2011.

Labonté, R. Global Action on Social Determinants of HealthÉ/Exchange Working Paper Series, PHIRN, 2011.

Runnels, V.Local food charters and policies in Canada: a collection and a guide for analysis. Population Health Improvement Research Network.Exchange Working Paper Series, Volume 3, Number 2.University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.


Alvaro, C., Lyons, R., Warner, G., Hobfoll, S., Martens, R., Labonté, R. and Brown, ER. “Conservation of Resources Theory and Research Use in Health Systems”, Implementation Science. 5:79:1-20, 2010.

Bryant, T., Raphael, D., Schrecker, T. and Labonté, R., Canada: “A Land of Missed Opportunity for Addressing the Social Determinants of Health” Health Policy doc.10.1026/j.healthpol.2010.08.022, 2010: 1-15.

Swanson, R.C., Bongiovanni, A., Bradley, E., Murugan, V., Sundewall, J., Betigeri, A., Nyonator, F., Cattaneo, A., Harless, B., Ostrovsky, A., Labonté, R. “Toward a Consensus on Guiding Principles for Health Systems Strengthening” PLoS Medicine 7(12): 1-6, 2010.

Schrecker, T. and Labonté, R., “Beyond the Matrix: Thinking three-dimensionally about social determinants of health”, in Gatti, A. and Boggio, A. (eds.). Health and Development: Towards a Matrix Approach, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. pp.56-78. 2009.


Parentau, MP., Sawada, M., Kristjansson, E., Calhoun, M., Leclair, S., Labonté, R., Runnels, V., Musiol A. and Herold, S. “Development of Neighborhoods to Measure Spatial Indicators of Health”, URISA Journal 20(2):43-55, 2008.

Green, J. and Labonté, R. “Introduction: from critique to engagement: why critical public health matters”, in Green, J. and Labonté, R. (eds). Critical Perspectives in Public Health, London: Routledge. pp.1-11. 2007.

Labonté, R., Frank, J. and Di Ruggiero, E. “Introduction to Part I. Unfair Cases: social inequalities in health”, in Green, J. and Labonté, R. (eds.). Critical Perspectives in Public Health, London: Routledge. pp.14-23. 2007.

Labonté, R. “Introduction to Part III. Colonising Places: Public health and globalisation”, in Green, J. and Labonté, R. (eds.). Critical Perspectives in Public Health, London: Routledge. pp.136-149. 2007.

Labonté, R. and Torgerson, R. “Interrogating globalisation, health and development: towards a comprehensive framework for research, policy and political action”, in Green, J. and Labonté, R. (eds.). Critical Perspectives in Public Health, London: Routledge. pp.162-179. 2007.

Muhajarine, N., Labonté, R., Williams, A. and Randall, J. “Person, perception and place: what matters to quality of life”, Social Indicators Research (on-line)2007.

Robinson, V., Tugwell, P., Walker, P., Ter Kuile, AA., Neufeld, V., Hatcher-Roberts, J., Amaratunga, C., Andersson, N., Doull, M., Labonté, R., Muckle, W., Murangira, F., Nyamai, C., Ralph-Robinson, D., Simpson, D., Sitthi-Amorn, C., Turnbull, J., Walker, J. and Wood, C.  “Creating and Testing the Concept of an Academic NGO for Enhancing Health Equity: A New Mode of Knowledge Production?”, Education for Health 7 (online), 53. 2007.

Williams, A., Muhajarine, N., Randall, J., Labonté, R. and Kitchen, P. “Volunteerism and residential longevity in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada”, Social Indicators Research (on-line). 2007.

Dunning, H., Janzen, B., Williams, A., Abonyi, S., Jeffery, B., Randall, JE., Holden, B., Labonté, R., Muhajarine, N., Klein, G. and Carr, T. “A gender analysis of quality of life in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.” GeoJournal 65(4): 393–407. 2006.

Jeffery, B., Abonyi, S., Labonté, R. and Duncan, K. “Engaging numbers: health indicators that matter for people, place and practice”, Journal of Aboriginal Health 1(3):44-56. 2006.

Muhajarine, N., Vu, L. and Labonté, R., “Social contexts and children’s health outcomes: researching across the boundaries”, Critical Public Health 16(3): 205-18, 2006.

Braveman, P., Dachs, NJ., Dahlgren, G. Diderichsen, F., Harris, E., Howden-Chapman, P., Labonté, R., Loewenson, R.,; McIntyre, Di., Ostlin, P., Pannarunothai, S. Sen, Gita,. Whitehead, M., Vega, J., Irwin, A.; Valentine, N., Panisset,U. “Priorities for research to take forward the health equity policy agenda”, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 83(12):948-53. 2005.

Labonté, R. and Torgerson, R. “Interrogating Globalization, Health and Development: Towards a Comprehensive Framework for Research, Policy and Political Action”, Critical Public Health 15(2):157-79. 2005.

Labonté, R., Polanyi, M., Muhajarine, N., McIntosh, T. and Williams, A. “Beyond the divides: A critical population health project”, Critical Public Health 15(1):5-17. 2005.

Labonté, R. “Editorial: Towards a critical population health research”, Critical Public Health 15(1):1-3. 2005.

Williams, A., Labonté, R., Muhajarine, N., Randall, J. and Holden, B. “Establishing and sustaining community-university partnerships: A case study of quality of life”, Critical Public Health 15(3):291-302. 2005.

Sanders, D., Labonté, R., Baum, F and Chopra, M. “Making research matter: a civil society perspective on health research”, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 82(10):757-63. 2004.

McCubbin. M. and Labonté, R. “Toward Psychosocial Theory for an Integrated Understanding of the Health and Well-Being of Populations”, Ethical Human Sciences and Services 4(1): 47-61. 2002.

Williams, A., Randall, J., Holden, B., Labonté, R., Muhajarine, N., Abonyi, S., Klein, G. and Carr, T. “Quality of Life in Saskatoon: Achieving a Healthy, Sustainable Community”, Canadian Journal of Urban Research 10(2):237-58. 2002.

Hancock, T., Labonté. R and Edwards, R. “Indicators that Count: Measuring Population Health at the Community Level”, Canadian Journal of Public Health S22-S26. 1999.

Labonté, R. “Improving health status, quality of life and equity of access”, Commonwealth Secretariat. Health in the Commonwealth 1999/2000, London: Kensington Publications. pp. 181-7. 1999.

Labonté, R. “Psychosocial health influences: beyond knowledge, attitudes and beliefs”. Measuring the Health of Canadians Using Population Surveys, Ottawa: National Health Information Council. 1991.

Labonté, R. “Scientific Basis for the Community Health Development Approach”. WHO-CINDI. Challenges for Health Promotion and the Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases, Ottawa: Health and Welfare Canada/WHO/CINDI. 1991.

Labonté, R. “Concepts, Research and Strategies Related to Social Support and Surplus Powerlessness”. Heart Health Inequalities. pp.21-32. 1988.